Thursday, February 4, 2010

Plastic Thickness The Thickness Of The Plastic In Plastic Bags Is About 0.002 Mm. How Many Wavelengths Of Blue Light Is This?

The thickness of the plastic in plastic bags is about 0.002 mm. How many wavelengths of blue light is this? - plastic thickness

The thickness of the plastic bag is about 0.002 mm. As multiple wavelengths of blue light is it? (Assume a wavelength of 475 nm for blue light.)


phos said...

What you need to know is how a millimeter to one nanometer refers to your problem to fix.

1 mm = 1,000,000 nm

Therefore, 001 mm = 1000 mm = 002 nm and 2000 nm

The rest should be easy for you.

2000 / 475 =

jcpnum4g... said...

Blue light ranges from 400 nm to 480 nm. When the thickness of the plastic bag. Oo2mm, which is about 2000Nm so ....
.000002/.000000400 = 5 and .000002/.000000480 = 4.16
So x is the thickness ...
4.16 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, x \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, 5

halac said...

Thus, the units of eight ...
1 nm = 10 ^ -9 meter, 1 mm = 10 ^ -3 m

N = 002 mm / 475nm
= .002 X 10 ^ 6 nm / 475nm
~ 4,2

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